Convocatorias Compra Pública Innovadora


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Àmbit RIS3CAT: Indústries de la Salut

Tecnologies Facilitadores Transversals: TIC

European Space Agency (ESA) and Italian Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization (MID)

This Announcement of Opportunity (AO), originated from the collaboration agreement between ESA and MID has the scope of supporting citizens and communities which are facing the extraordinary consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Companies responding to the AO are invited to propose Demonstration Projects dedicated to the deployment and demonstration of pre-operational services, addressing the topics of Healthcare or Education. The proposed services shall be deployed in Italy, and can additionally be demonstrated in other geographies and countries.

Deadline: 20th April

For more information please visit IT-91108.

OPEN CALL – Washington: “Health Security and Pandemics Challenge" WA-91170

Àmbit RIS3CAT: Indústries de la Salut

Tecnologies Facilitadores Transversals: Tic

Organization: MIT Solve

Challenge: MIT Solve is seeking tech innovations that can slow and track the spread of an emerging outbreak, for example by improving individual hygiene, developing low-cost rapid diagnostics, analyzing data that informs decision making, and providing tools that support and protect health workers.

Prize: $10,000 grant with the chance to win The Elevate Prize for Health Security, receiving a minimum of $300,000 over two years and ongoing support from The Elevate Prize Foundation and MIT Solve.

Deadline: June 18, 2020 at 12:00 EDT

For more information please visit WA-91170.

OPEN CALL – Washington: “2020 COVID-19 Call for Code Global Challenge" WA-91171

Àmbit RIS3CAT: Indústries de la Salut

Tecnologies Facilitadores Transversals: Tic

Organization: IBM & David Clark Cause

Challenge: The COVID-19 pandemic poses not only a huge health concern to people - particularly the immunocompromised and elderly - but it also has had huge effects in uprooting societies and disrupting supply chains globally. We’re asking the world's developers and subject matter experts to help tackle this pandemic by increasing awareness through communications. CallforCode and IBM are seeking coding solutions that can provide: Immediate crisis communication; Enhanced remote education; OR Stronger community cooperation. Submissions will be judged equally across 4 primary criteria which evaluate whether the solution solves a real-world problem and uses technology effectively: Completeness and transferability; Effectiveness and efficiency; Design and usability; and Creativity and innovation. 

Prize: Grand prize of $200,000 USD. First and second runner up receive $25,000 USD. Third and fourth runner up receive $10,000 USD.

Deadline: July 31, 2020

For more information please visit WA-91171.

Este evento ha expirado

Día y hora

Añadir al calendario 2020-04-2310:00 2020-04-2311:00 Europe/Madrid Convocatorias Compra Pública Innovadora Railgrup



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