Información sobre contenido UITP

Información sobre contenido UITP

Compartimos comunicado de la UITP, de la cual Railgrup como socio activo, tiene acceso a todo su contenido el cual estaremos encantados de poner a disposición de nuestros miembros.

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Dear Members,

We hope that you’re all well.

As we continue to follow the health guidelines and stay at home, we know that it’s not quite the same as being in the office.

Well here at UITP, we’re always thinking about our members and what we can provide for you during these times.

As our cherished face-to-face time for networking isn’t a possibility right now, we want you to know that you’re still on our minds.

Part of UITP’s output over the years has been publications, many of which have required payment. This is changing.

We want you to have all the access you deserve to everything that makes UITP so special, and therefore we’re opening up more of our publications to you:

Members now have access to all UITP publications free of charge!*

So as you search for that quiet place to read during your time at home, you have several new documents jumping to the top of the pile!

Now, through MyLibrary, you can access:

All UITP reports
All Statistics Briefs and Policy Briefs
All Knowledge Briefs and Action Points
All Data sets (*free for Premium members only)

 Non-UITP members will still be required to pay for certain publications.

UITP is a knowledge hub for the public transport sector – and as so much of that knowledge comes from you, it should be for you!

So log-on, download a link and curl up with a good pdf…and let UITP’s publications make your Top 10 reading list.

And then check in to our exclusive members-only Coronavirus LinkedIn Exchange Platform to tell your industry colleagues what’s caught your interest.

Stay safe and stay at home,

Mohamed Mezghani | Secretary General

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