European Projects in Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM)


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This event aims to explore the inspiring achievements and experiences arising from Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility projects across Europe, led by our partner companies on the continent. It will provide a platform for knowledge sharing, celebrating successes, and fostering collaboration among passionate professionals in advancing towards connected and sustainable Transportation and Logistics.


11:00 AM Welcome -  Introduction to CCAM and positioning of IN-MOVE and partners at the European  level.

Vincent Pastor, Technical  Office of Projects at In-Move by Railgrup

11:10 AM Next CCAM Calls  and Recommendations

Javier Rivas, Innovation Consultant - PNO Innovation Spain 

11:30 AM Panel - Lessons  Learned from Successful Projects

·MODI: Accelerating the  introduction of CCAM solutions to significantly improve logistic chains – Ignasi Gómez-Belinchón, PhD, Cluster Manager at In-Move by  Railgrup

·SPINE Project: Enhancing  City Mobility through Multimodality - Manuel Crespo, Sustainable and innovation mobility expert at CINESI

·PODIUM Project  - Flavia De Simone, Director of Innovation and Strategy at Enide.

·AUGMENTED CCAM: Augmenting  and Evaluating the Physical and Digital Infrastructure for CCAM deployment

  • Ana Martínez, Project Manager – ETRA I+D
  • Charlotte Fléchon, Project Manager – PTV GROUP I+R

12:50 PM End of event

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Date and time

Add to calendar 2024-05-0811:00 2024-05-0813:00 Europe/Madrid European Projects in Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) Online




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