Ferias Europeas Ferroviarias de 2021

This event has expired

Para Railgrup es un placer anunciar las Ferias Europeas Ferroviarias de 2021. Si tenéis interés en participar en cualquiera de esos eventos, estaríamos encantados de facilitar vuestro acceso y gestiones con las mejores condiciones. 

FechaFeria / Página web oficialLugar
9 FebruaryRail Cybersecurity USA (https://www.railcybersecurityusa.com/ )Online
23/24 Fenruary 20216th annual
Rail Cyber Security Europe 2021 (https://www.railcybersecurity.com/) 
24-26 February 2021International Railway Summit (http://www.irits.org/) Online
3-5 March 2021Eurasia Rail (https://eurasiarail.eu/Home )Konya (Turquía)
4-7 May 2021Transport Logistic (https://www.transportlogistic.de/en/) Munich (Alemania)
11-13 May 2021Railtex/Infrarail (https://www.uk-railhub.com/2021/en/)Birmingham (El Reino Unido)
16-17 June 2021Rail Live 2021 (https://www.raillive.org.uk/) QRTC Long Marsten,
Warwickshire (El Reino Unido)
7-8 September 20217th Railway Forum (https://railwayforum.eu/) Berlin (Alemania)
8-9 September 2021SEE Mobility (http://see-mobility.com/en/)Belgrade (Serbia)
24-27 September 2021TRAKO 2021 (http://www.trakofair.com/) Gdańsk (Polonia)
28-30 September 2021Expo Ferroviaria 2021 (https://www.expoferroviaria.com/) Milan (Italia)
8-10 October 2021Elmia Nordic Rail (https://www.elmia.se/en/nordicrail/)Jönköping (Suecia)
26-28 October 2021SIFER 2021 (http://www.sifer2021.com/english/sifer-2019?page=3) Lille (Francia)
December 2021Rail Live 2021 (https://www.terrapinn.com/conference/rail-live/index.stm)Madrid (España)
20-23 September 2022InnoTrans 2022 (https://www.innotrans.com/) Berlin (Alemania)

This event has expired

Date and time

Add to calendar 2021-01-2009:00 2021-01-2010:00 Europe/Madrid Ferias Europeas Ferroviarias de 2021 Spain
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