Application of digital tools in the mobility sector

Eurecat | Sala Innova

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The development experienced by digital technologies in recent years allows greater control over the state of assets, processes, consumption, etc... and at the same time allows accurate and automatic analyzes that allow detecting what is happening, making diagnosis, predictions and get to make prescriptions in order to optimize resources.

On this day we will see what the state of these digital technologies is and how they can be applied to industry in general and the mobility sector in particular.

Who is it aimed at?

The day is aimed at administrations, operators and railway maintainers, as well as companies, start-ups and organizations in general related to mobility and industry and energy.


9.30 Welcome: Joan Cardona for Eurecat and Ignasi Gómez-Belinchón for In Move 

9:45 a.m. Presentation: State of the art of artificial intelligence technologies applied to industry and energy

Speaker: Laia Garriga; Promoter of Artificial Intelligence Technology at Eurecat

10:15 a.m. Presentation: State of the art of Big Data technologies applied to mobility

Speaker: Daniel González Vidal Dir. Big Data & Data Science Technology Unit at Eurecat 

10:45 a.m. Coffee break

11:00 a.m. Success cases

12h30 Debate

13:00 Conclusions and closure

This event has expired

Date and time

Add to calendar 2023-06-2109:30 2023-06-2113:30 Europe/Madrid Application of digital tools in the mobility sector Barcelona


Eurecat | Sala Innova , Carrer de Bilbao, 72


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