DITECFER is organising, in collaboration with the Port System Authority of Eastern Ligurian Sea (“Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale”), the meeting of the “ERCI Task Force MML-MultiModal Logistics” on the increasingly crucial topic of “Military Mobility”.
Military Mobility involves different aspects:
Multimodal corridors and dual-use logistics hubs: this includes – e.g. – adapting transport infrastructure such as TEN-T infrastructure to handle the weight, size and scale of military movements, aligning TEN-T and EU military transport network standards.Regulatory support measures: this includes authorizations for cross-border movements, digitization of logistics processes, enhancement of IT logistics.Resilience and ...FERIA DE REFERENCIA EN LOGÍSTICA, TRANSPORTE, INTRALOGÍSTICA Y SUPPLY CHAIN DE ÁMBITO INTERNACIONAL
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