In the recently formed Railgrup Eco Innovation group, the latest trends in eco-innovation in railway mobility are presented, as well as the vision, forces of change and challenges that arise to achieve a more competitive sector in the future. The group socializes current eco-innovative projects and raises awareness among cluster members of the role of eco-innovation in business success.
The Railgrup cluster was born in 2002 with the aim of promoting, by joining forces, the development of the railway sector in Spain at all levels and the objective of enhancing the global competitiveness of its members by promoting, representing and disseminating the image and collective interests within and outside our borders.
More than a decade of projects and ideas that, in permanent contact with innovation, technology and training, today represent the interests of companies directly and indirectly related to the train sector, with a philosophy and track record that certify the strength of the path journey and stimulate the acceptance of new challenges.
The organizational structure is designed to respond to these challenges while allowing it to be representative of the reality of the sector. It integrates operators, OEMs and a high participation of SMEs.
The organization and integration of functions and members is structured through Specific Commissions, designed and expanded in scope to be able to develop and encompass the contributions of the members of the sector and contribute to improving their competitiveness. The Business Development Commission chaired by Promaut. The R + D + i Commission by FGC, the Training Commission chaired by Idom, the Strategy Commission chaired by INDRA and finally the Projects Commission chaired by Sener.
Railgrup represents a great opportunity to conquer these challenges. Collaboration and cooperation throughout the value chain, the present sectors and new sectors that are being integrated and new processes in related sectors.
Railgrup focuses on people, on the end users of the rail industry, on developing sustainable mobility policies from environmental respect and with the need to be a reference in passenger and freight development and transport policies.
Railgrup is a vision, values, objectives. An element of improving competitiveness through internationalization, technology and innovation.
29 November 2024
En 2025, in-move lanzará la primera temporada de su podcast "Moving ON", una iniciativa que nace con el objetivo de convertirse en un referente para analizar y debatir sobre las principales tendencias en movilidad, logística e innovación tecnológica.
El formato de vídeopodcast es extraordinariamente popular porque permite acceder a un enorme público. El mismo contenido se puede escuchar en formato podcast en plataformas como Spotify, Apple Podcast, Soundcloud o Ivoox; o ver en Youtube, LinkedIn o incluso en Instagram y Facebook.
Las organizaciones que participen en el proyecto, contarán con este contenido para explotarlo como quieran desde el punto de vista de marketing.
Estamos buscando patrocinadores que quieran asociar su marca a esta iniciativa única y conectar con una audiencia especializada en movilidad, logística e innovación. Únete a "Moving ON" y forma parte de esta nueva aventura!
16 October 2024
El Consejo Europeo ha adoptado formalmente una Directiva por la que se establecen normas actualizadas sobre la calidad del aire en toda la UE.
Las nuevas normas contribuirán al objetivo de "contaminación cero" que la UE se ha fijado para 2050 a más tardar y ayudarán a prevenir muertes prematuras debidas a la contaminación atmosférica. Los ciudadanos afectados de la UE podrán solicitar ...
26 July 2024
TRAM presenta la 7a edició de la seva Memòria de Sostenibilitat, que detalla els reptes i èxits del 2023 i les estratègies de la companyia per continuar essent un model de mobilitat sostenible.
Es consolida la recuperació de la demanda després de la pandèmia, el 2023 TRAM registra el rècord de viatges en un any, superant els 30 milions de validacions.En l’estudi de satisfacció dels viatgers realitzat per TRAM i per tercer any consecutiu, les persones usuàries puntuen el servei en les dues xarxes del tramvia per sobre del 8 (sobre 10), amb un valor de 8,43 a ...25 July 2024
A Project for Sustainable Stations and Cities
The “Sustainable City Promoter” is an innovative initiative led by architect and expert in sustainable cities, Alice Lunardon (Arch. MsC. PhD). This project focuses on transforming train stations into sustainable urban centers, making the most of their resources and infrastructure with the help of modern technology.
Sustainability: Resource Optimization
Sustainability is not only about preserving the environment, but also about optimizing existing resources. Train stations, which have historically been key nodes in our cities since the Industrial Revolution, have untapped potential that can contribute significantly to urban sustainability. These stations can be transformed ...
TÜV SÜD - Parque Tecnológico del Vallès
22 January 2025
La jornada pretende Sensibilizar y Concienciar a través de la promoción de la importancia de la movilidad socialmente responsable como un componente esencial para la cohesión social y el desarrollo ...
11 July 2024
C. de Pallars, 172, 174, Sant Martí, 08005 Barcelona
26 June 2024
En esta reunión del Grupo de Trabajo Ecoinnovación, nos enfocaremos en un tema crucial para el futuro del transporte urbano: el diseño de estaciones sostenibles con participación ciudadana. Estas estaciones ...
In-Move by Railgrup | Pg de Sant Gervasi 27, Barcelona
11 June 2024
- Presentar el enfoque de Gestión de Sostenibilidad de aggity desde la estrategia hasta la actividad del día a día (Herramientas de Gestión de Sostenibilidad).
- Analizar casos de estudio inspiradores que ...