Call for contribution: UK Rail Freight Seminar

Daniel Fernández de Soto,

Call for contribution: UK Rail Freight Seminar

Up to ERCI cluster members will get the chance to contribute to this event with a presentation and as a participant in a liveQ&A session this day. 

This event will take a look at the Freight Sector of the UK Railways and will provide information about this sub-sector and where possible identify opportunities for the supply chain as well as highlighting good practice. As ever, it is hoped that we will be able to highlight innovative/smart technologies and/or requirements. The event will include a presentation from the Director General of the UK’s Rail Freight Group (Maggie Simpson OBE) and will then open up to other speakers from the UK and European Mainland Freight communities.

ERCI clusters wishing to contribute to the event will be very welcome and we have allocated up to 2 presentation slots for ERCI cluster members. The ERCI clusters should bear in mind that the Rail Alliance community is more aimed at Business-to-Business (B2B) than Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I), but not exclusively. However, the Rail Alliance community would be delighted to hear about new or innovative or expanding freight operations (including depots, multi-modal interchanges and digital technologies) where there could be opportunities for the UK Rail Supply Chain to contribute to the freight sector on the European Mainland. The beginning of each ERCI cluster presentation should identify the scale of Rail Freight in that particular region or nation as well as highlighting the main issues (problems/challenges) and the needs, wants and opportunities (for business/innovation).

Those ERCI clusters wishing to contribute should inform the event POC ( by 28 May 2021 please and will need to be available for recording their contributions by the middle of June. The Rail Alliance records its event presentations in advance to mitigate bandwidth ‘distractions’ on the day of the event; however, and importantly, the Q&A session on the day is ‘live’.

Please do not hesitate to contact directly for further questions.

some additional information here:

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