ENTRANCE Project Upcoming Events

Clementine Suraud Kiffer,

ENTRANCE Project Upcoming Events

The ENTRANCE platform, of which IN-MOVE by Railgrup is a consortium member, offers a common and legitimate European Matchmaking Platform and complementary off-line services designed to mobilise financial resources to accelerate the market access and scale up of “first of a kind” sustainable transport solutions, thereby reducing the European CO2 emissions and pollutants caused by the transport and mobility sector. 

The overall concept focus of the ENTRANCE project lies in the “supply-demand-finance” triangle that is envisaged for all transport and mobility modes and all relevant stakeholders.

ENTRANCE boots the implementation of innovation solutions that contribute to the ambitious goals envisaged by the European Commission for reducing the transport CO2 emissions by 2030 and 2050 and responds to the increasing mobility needs of people and goods thereby strengthening the European competitiveness and boosting growth and jobs.

Stay up to date with the project's upcoming events to be aware of Zero Emission boosting activities!


October 2022

  • 11: Workshop on Swedish initiatives supporting zero emission road freight and logistics in collaboration with ALICE
  • 26: ENTRANCE/Big Buyers workshop. Session 1 (open session): ”Zero emission waste collection vehicles - Market gaps and collaboration to advance on innovation”
  • 27: ENTRANCE/Big Buyers workshop. Session 2 (Closed debate panels) “Collaboration to overcome the market gaps between supply and demand to achieve zero emission waste collection”

November 2022

  • 3: ENTRANCE/DUT Partnership Workshop - How to achieve an efficient implementation of innovative urban logistics (15-minutes City Pathway)
  • 14: ENTRANCE interactive session at the International Smart City Business Forum that takes place in Barcelona right before the Smart City Expo.
  • 14-17: TRA, the Transport Research Arena 2022. ENTRANCE will participate in the European Commission stand and also a joint session between the projects of the projects from the taskforce has been organized by Yanying. “Accelerate Innovation Market Uptake for Sustainable Transport” on Tuesday 15th Nov from 17:00 – 18:30.
  • 30: POLIS Conference. 

December  2022

  • 1: POLIS Conference.

January  2022

  • Date to be determined: Webinar on alternative funding opportunities
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