Paving the way for impact!

MODI: A leap towards SAE L4 automated driving features

MODI accelerates the introduction of highly automated solutions to improve European logistic chains.

Newsletter no. 3 covers the initial stage of ‘Paving the way for impact’ dissemination phase. In this six-month period, project partners have focused on further defining the use cases, developing the evaluation framework, and preparing for the showcase of vehicles and PDI optimisation.


MODI Makes Progress: Data Collection and First Trip Completed on Rotterdam-Oslo CCAM Corridor

The MODI project has achieved a significant milestone with the first trip and successful completion of ...

Europe’s Rail and SESAR 3 Joint  Undertakings have published a joint call for the development of an “Integrated  air and rail network backbone for a sustainable and energy-efficient multimodal  transport system”. The call targets solutions that will improve doortodoor mobility for Europe’s  citizens, and is expected to generate synergies between the air and rail  innovation communities. With a total investment of EUR 7 million, the call is  being co-funded within the framework of the EU’s Horizon Europe research and  innovation programme.

The transport sector is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, and innovative solutions are necessary to combat climate change. The ARRIVAL platform is a groundbreaking initiative to reduce CO2 emissions in the European transport sector by connecting stakeholders, facilitating knowledge exchange, and promoting sustainable projects.

Register now at to be part of the solution!

The IN-MOVE by Railgrup team was in Oslo this week for the launch of the MODI project, a cross-border European flagship initiative to accelerate the introduction of connected, cooperative and automated mobility solutions to significantly improve logistics chains.

 A total budget of approximately €28 million, five use cases and a public-private partnership of 29 partners from 8 countries to test and validate the implementation of CCAM solutions for real logistics operations.

The MODI Project will demonstrate use cases of automated HGVs without safety drivers on the motorway corridor from Rotterdam in the Netherlands to Moss in Norway, crossing four national borders and showcasing terminal operations at four different ports and terminals in route.

¡Después de dos días de reuniones en Teknopark Estambul, el consorcio STrategic Alliances boosting Railway Smes (STARS) está listo para comenzar con las actividades del proyecto junto con las #PYMES!

Durante estos días hemos estado trabajando en las actividades de asistencia técnica y empresarial que recibirán las PYMES del sector para la implantación de Tecnologías Avanzadas.

Además de los eventos Hackathon en los que se buscarán soluciones a problemas tradicionales de las pymes.

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