¡El Brokerage 2022! Smart City Challenges es la propuesta rompedora de ACCIÓ en el Smart City Expo World Congress de este año, el punto de encuentro de los líderes de empresas innovadoras, gobiernos y organizaciones donde compartirán los últimos conocimientos, experiencias y soluciones para trabajar en un futuro mejor urbano.

Speed Match International Networking Event 2022 will be organized on 27-28 April 2022. The event will focus on the aviation, railway and automotive sectors together.

Thus, it is aimed that companies with similar production capabilities will establish cross-relationships and expand their business networks. This event will provide large companies, SMEs, chambers, clusters, investors, public institution andassociations with a unique opportunity to establish business and technology partnerships via prescheduled 1-1 meetings. 

Bilateral meetings are scheduled as 20-minute according to each participant's availability, interests,and goals. In order to enable participants to find suitable partners, each participant is obliged tochoose at least one item from the "Marketplace Opportunities".

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