The transport sector is a major contributor to CO2 emissions, and innovative solutions are necessary to combat climate change. The ARRIVAL platform is a groundbreaking initiative to reduce CO2 emissions in the European transport sector by connecting stakeholders, facilitating knowledge exchange, and promoting sustainable projects.

Register now at to be part of the solution!

💡 Have you heard about the #ENTRANCE project’s new approach to support Purchase Aggregation in the Transport Sector? 🚛

The ENTRANCE Activity report of neutral trustee services developed under the framework of the project includes a new Purchase Aggregation Manual and details a Cluster Approach to synchronize multiple buyers. The document sets up the framework for a Neutral Trustee, which will guide purchase aggregations in the ENTRANCE matchmaking platform 🙌

La Comisión Europea, a través de la European Cluster Collaboration Platform, está desarrollando actualmente dos importantes iniciativas que podrían ser de su interés:

¿Tiene una gran idea para resolver los desafíos actuales en nuestras cadenas de suministro europeas?

¡Cuéntaselo a la Comisión Europea! Las mejores propuestas serán cuidadosamente estudiadas por nuestros responsables políticos.

¿Quieres trabajar en esa idea con otros? Entonces, ¡bienvenido al C2Lab!

Launch of the ENTRANCE Open Competition:

Connecting innovators to funding opportunities.

Do you believe your "first-of-a-kind" solution has the potential to revolutionize and decarbonize the European transport and mobility sector? If yes, the ENTRANCE project is looking for you and is excited toopen up our network and expertise to help scale your solution!

Deadline: 30 October 2021

Details for participating here:

It is with great pleasure that we share with you all the recorded webinar of the ENTRANCE project held last Tuesday, June 22nd. 

Stay attentive to upcoming training and brokerage events!

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