Sustainability Open Innovation Challenge 2021 - Round 2
Eligibility Criteria
  • This challenge is open to all Startups, SMEs, Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and Research Institutes (RIs) across the world.
  • The competition is open to Startups and SMEs across the world.
  • Startups and SMEs can also decide to enter the competition in partnership with Multinational Corporations (MNCs), Large Local Enterprises (LLEs) and Research Institutes (RIs).

Are your innovations or investments contributing to the uptake of Europe's innovative transport and mobility solutions? Or are you a buyer searching for innovative solutions for sustainable transport and mobility?

Register for the ENTRANCE Matchmaking Platform – click here!

It is with great pleasure that we share with you all the recorded webinar of the ENTRANCE project held last Tuesday, June 22nd. 

Stay attentive to upcoming training and brokerage events!

The ENTRANCE project is designed to mobilise financial resources and boost sustainable innovations in the transport and mobility sectors. To do so, the partnership will create an environment for promoting solutions to find buyers or investors. These solutions will gain visibility through the ENTRANCE Matchmaking Platform, which will count also with a Knowledge Hub to learn more about sectorial trends and financing insights.


Online training and brokerage event between solution providers and buyers to facilitate the uptake of innovative transport and mobility solutions.


Network 4SDGs es la plataforma que agrupa y activa la acción de empresas a nivel multisectorial en la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y Agenda 2030 .

Este Network nace como respuesta a los desafíos medioambientales y de impacto social de las empresas y se trata de una oportunidad para alinear la actividad de las empresas a los ODS, pero sobre todo para poner en marcha acciones y sinergias en el ámbito del desarrollo sostenible e impacto social

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