Railgrup supports the AI4EU Call for Challenges

Railgrup supports the AI4EU Call for Challenges

Railgrup supports the AI4EU Call for Challenges and encourages our cluster members to apply.

The call for challenges is addressed to the following type of applicants:

  • SMEs
  • Mid-Caps
  • Large Companies
  • AI4EU Consortium Partners

Only beneficiaries external to the consortium will be funded.

The AI4EU Initiative has launched an open call to identify 13 ‘Challenge Owners’ that will work with ‘Solutions Providers’ selected in the upcoming AI4EU Calls for Solutions.

The call is addressed to SMEs, Mid-Caps, large corporates, and AI4EU partners* that would like to solve an AI problem with highly innovative AI-backed ideas.

The AI4EU initiative, kicked off in January 2019 with €20 million, has launched today a Call for Challenges to select 13 Challenge Owners to set a particular problem or challenge that would like to be solved with Artificial Intelligence technologies and get 10,000€. The first cut off date to apply is 26 January 2021, and the final deadline will be in the first quarter of 2021.

The process is twofold, because the Call for Challenges will be followed by two Open Calls for Solutions to select Solutions Providers that will address and solve the specific challenges: start-ups, SMEs, Mid-Caps, large companies, and research organizations. The first call will be from 25 February to 27 April 2021; and the second will be launched in spring. After the two calls, a total of 41 Solutions Providers will be selected to get up to 70,000€ and access a 6-month Support Program.

The best 13 challenges will receive support from the AI4EU consortium to detail and present the challenge to the Solution Providers during the AI4EU Call for Solutions. Each Challenge Owner will work together with at least two Solutions Providers during the 6-month Support Program to develop two solutions per challenge.

The challenges AI4EU is looking for

AI4EU is looking for particular problems with an industrial, business or societal impact that can be solved by exploiting the existing AI resources included on the AI4EU Platform or developing new components and has potential to be replicable in the sector.

These challenges have to be challenges based on AI technologies that could help businesses and the public sector to run their business and activities more efficiently or to deliver innovative services to their customers and citizens.

A challenge could be how to diagnose or predict evolution of diseases based on AI data, how to do predictive maintenance of vehicles, or how to improve the safety and health of workers using IoT devices and AI.

The Challenge Owner will have to provide assets and data needed to develop the solution, and technical support to the AI4EU Call for Solutions. In return, they will get 10,000€, a free solution for their challenge and visibility with AI4EU digital channels, events and ambassadors.

70,000€ for solutions providers

European start-ups, SMEs, Mid-Caps, large companies, and research organizations will be selected in the two Open Calls for Solutions to develop, test and validate the technical solutions that address the specific challenges by exploiting the existing AI resources included on the AI4EU Platform or developing new components.

The 41 beneficiaries that graduate from the Support Program will be showcased as new resources on the AI4EU Platform. They will also get financial support of up to 70,000€ and training on the AI4EU Platform (resources, Acumos, publication), online mentoring every two weeks to track the development of the solution, and visibility through the AI4EU network.

With these open calls, the objective of the AI4EU Platform is to showcase its capacity to bring an entire ecosystem to solve AI public challenges in various areas by developing solutions prototypes backed by AI technologies.

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