Happy faces at the Closure event of the STARS #Hack&Match #2 on Big Data for the Railway sector!
From onboard predictive maintenance to railway crossings, from railway signalling to infrastructure maintenance, many were the challenges and solutions discussed during the last 48h!
The two winners will be announced from Valenciennes on 28 February at 17.00 CET
The “Hack&Match” events represent an integral part of the assistance process delivered by the STARS project partners, as we plan to accompany the more traditional SMEs to these events not just with “needs” but with potential solutions.
Open to European more traditional SMEs, European tech-savvy SMEs, technology centres, academia, students, mobility associations, etc.
For the second Hack&Match, we decided to focus on: “Big data for railway processes, products and services”.
Participation is free of charge and 100% online.
Participating in the STARS Hack&Match events represent:
For more traditional European SMEs operating or wishing to operate in the Railway and Multimodality sector an opportunity to get an overview of different advanced technologies that can be implemented on their companies to develop new features/innovations in their products/services, increase productivity, reduce costs, develop new digital business models and facilitate their green transition
For tech-savvy SMEs an opportunity to promote their solutions/knowledge and open up new potential collaboration
Recently we have participated in STARS Hack&Match Project and our experience has been highly satisfactory.
I was looking for a solution that could integrate our SCADA solution XTHINGS in a wider technical enviroment to incorporate WiFi transmission, securized comms and maintenance/low consumption capabilities with third party elements.
What I could find is a very interesting platform for different companies to collaborate and to get a technical proposal with real possibilities to be implemented. So, good ideas and good future partners.
Daniel Rogero
Innovation and Technology Consultant
Revenga Smart Solutions (Revenga Ingenieros)