ERCI Taskforce on Military Mobility

La Spezia, Italy

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"Facilitating the movement of military troops and assets is essential for the security of European citizens and to build a more effective, responsive and joined-up Union".

The EU Military Mobility Action Plan 2.0 (2022-2026) addresses the need to improve the capacity of transport infrastructure to handle the weight, size and scale of military movement with new measures, including the fuel supply chain requirements for military transports. Also, it continues the effort to streamline and harmonise complex, lengthy and diverging national rules and procedures, including by introducing new actions to support the further digitalisation of the administrative processes. It adds a new preparedness and resilience pillar that encompasses the development of strategic lift capabilities in line with the Coordinated Annual Report on Defence (CARD) Report of November 2020. It proposes measures to enhance the protection of the transport sector against cyber-attacks and other hybrid threats and to promote its climate resilience and energy security. The new partnership pillar includes EU-NATO cooperation to ensure a more robust and credible European pillar in NATO, especially in light of its enlargement to Finland and Sweden. It promotes dialogue and connectivity with key regional partners such as the Ukraine, Moldova and the Western Balkans.

This ERCI Task Force aims to gather different players from several EU countries to:

  • Share and leverage knowledge about Military Mobility and the initiatives already under implementation in the EU countries from several points of view: infrastructure readiness, digitalisation boost, cybersecurity boost, industrial value chains preparedness, further research and innovation needed, etc.
  • Discuss what else needs to be done, including how the European industrial ecosystems involved can—on the one hand—help and—on the other hand—increase their preparedness and resilience in case of need.

Welcome  Coffee

Introductory speeches

  • Welcome from La Spezia Port Authority - Name  speaker
  • What the ERCI Task Force MML is, and the goals of the meeting - Ignasi Gomez-Belinchón / Bernard Piette / Veronica Elena  Bocci
  • Military Mobility: what it is for the European Union and what funds are supporting it => (i.e. the European Commission addresses it under different points of view: DG DEFIS coordinates the Commission's activities contributing to improved military Mobility within Europe and leads on the implementation of the Action Plan on Military Mobility; DG MOVE and CINEA enable work investments on TEN-Ts; DG RTD invest in research for Military Mobility; etc.) - Name speaker(s)

What is  the state of the art with Military Mobility at the beginning of 2025 - Technical presentations

  • La Spezia Port Authority presentation of the SWIFTRAIL project (CEF Transport - Military Mobility call) - Name speaker 
  • EU Countries' experiences and actions taken so far:
  • Italy: RFI-Leonardo partnership -
  • Spain: CERTIFYDOC – Mario Scalabrino
  • Lithuania: LTG Cargo - Eglė Šimė / LTG Infra

Next  steps forward: Round Table


  • What stakeholders should be involved in building a more effective Military Mobility? What questions are unanswered yet?
  • What primary supplies are needed to deliver it at best? What can ERCI Clusters do to help this? And with what tools?

Lunch  buffet

Technical visit to the new' Military Mobility-ready' assets of the port railway station "La Spezia Marittima" and Santo Stefano Magra Back-Port.

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Date and time

Add to calendar 2025-02-2600:00 2025-02-2600:00 Europe/Madrid ERCI Taskforce on Military Mobility La Spezia, Italy


La Spezia, Italy


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