La empressa asociada de In-Move by railgrup ISC estará presente con CSIT en el UITP Congress de Barcelona del 5 al 7 de junio, con un stand donde se podrá ver su sistema de comunicaciones y de información al viajero, con una demo con datos reales, así como los kioscosdigitales que ya están funcionando en distintas estaciones de FGC. 

Se trata de una excelente oportunidad  para que lo conocer de primera mano ese sistema de úlitma generación.

We have some exciting news for all providers who specialize in AI-based Video Analytics, identification and tracking tools, and tech integration in standard crisis management and video management systems

The first PAN  European Public Transportation Innovation Procurement Tender has been issued.

Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) is a method for public buyers to acquire research and development services (and, under certain conditions, related R&D results), which involves competitive development in stages, risk-benefit sharing under market conditions, and a clear separation between the PCP and the deployment of commercial volumes of end products. PCP's goal is to direct the development of new innovations toward the needs of public buyers.

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